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Jalgrataste lisavarustus, rattalisad

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  1. Jalgratta tagatuli A-Duplex

    11,99 €

    Jalgratta tagatuli A-RedSpot

    Suhteliselt tugeva valgusega 2x0,5W LED (20 lm) jalgratta tagatuli.

    Töötab AAA patareidega vilkuval reziimil 80 h, konstantsel 18 h.

    Patareid komplektis. 

    AUTHOR Duplex X7 delivers the everyday performance you require from a rear light. The light features 3 modes, an easy on/off  to seat post bracket with quick release tab. For cyclists who want to stay visible, ideal for commuters and cycling enthusiasts alike. 

    • 2x0,5W LED  20 lm output power.
    • Battery 2x (AAA) zinc carbon included.
    • Flashing 80h, steady 18h (both LED).
    • Adjustable tool free bracket with silicon strap for diameter 15–35 mm even the unround profiles.
    • Clothing clip for easy fixation to any textile loop.
    • Flashing mode, steady of 1 LED or 2 LEDs.

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  2. Jalgratta tagatuli A-RedSpot

    19,99 €

    Jalgratta tagatuli A-RedSpot

    Väga tugeva valgusega 1x0,5W, 2x (15lm).

    Töötab AAA patareidega vilkuval reziimil 100h, konstantsel 15h.

    Patarei komplektis. 

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2 шт.

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