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- Lisa kiht nahka kepi rihma alal- Kinda pealispind on tehtud tuulekindlast 3-kihilisest materjalist- Suurepärane hingavus- Maksimaalne niiskuse ärajuhtimine käe pinnalt- Mugavad õmblused
Lisainfo huvi korral Lillsport tootelehelt
Well lined base glove for training. It consists of wind-breaking textile and a durable and easy-to-care synthetic leather in the palm.Lined and wind-breaking race/exercise glove in basic version adapted for low to medium intensity at colder temperatures. The back of the hand consists of wind-breaking textile with good breathability that protects your hands from cold and ventilates body heat for the best comfort. Durable and easy-to-care synthetic leather in the palm gives a good feeling to the ski pole. Cuffs of comfortable and insulating Neoprene.
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